Maria trained with Uta Hagen and taught acting at HB Studio. Her career began in Musical Theatre where she toured nationally and has gone on to appear in hit series such as Hacks, New Girl and Desperate Housewives. She is a first generation Greek American and speaks conversational Greek. Bold, brave, warm and vulnerable this powerhouse is funny, collaborative and sings like a lark.
Singing Demo
Casting CSUF professor Cominis in the title role gives Bernarda Alba a professional quality it might lack with an entirely student cast.
Steven Stanley, StagesceneLA
Maria! Maria! A provocative woman’s movement musical retrospective – powerful! Thank you Marias and crew for sharing your gift”.
Lee Kinney (audience member)
Principal Acting Credits
- HBO Max Hacks
- Fox’s New Girl
- ABC’s Desperate Housewives
- Maria! Maria! A Call to Action Cabaret-benefit for
- Bernarda Alba
- AFI Film – Prior Engagements

PC Nogen Beck

Maria! Maria! (2018)
A Call To Action Cabaret
Directed by Kari Hayter, Produced by Comdini Productions, The Wayward Artists and CSUF.

New Girl (2017)
Aly’s Mom
Fox’s NEW GIRL brought a fun surprise. Maria arrived on set and realized her younger daughter was played by her former student, Ayden Mayeri. And Uncle was played by one of her favorite character actors, also trained in the theatre, Brian George. Hoping for a big Persian wedding but it wasn’t in the cards.

by Michael John LaChiusa
Grand Central Arts, Santa Ana
Directed by Kyle Cooper, Musical Director Rod Bagheri.

The Diviners (2015)
“…a droll Maria Cominis delights as Basil’s nagging wife Luella, not nearly so willing as the others to accept C.C.”
— Steven Stanley, StagesceneLA

Desperate Housewives (2005-2012)
Mona Clark
Six seasons later Mona is back with a vengeance. Blackmailing Angie Bollen, played by Drea DeMatteo, she turns Wisteria Lane upside down until she gets beheaded by a Cessna, piloted by Jeff Bicks, played by Dan Castellanetta (Homer Simpson). What a way to go out…

The Seagull (2006)
by Anton Chekhov
Maria Cominis as Polina Andryevna
Directed by Svetlana Efremova
The Young Theatre, Clayes Performing Arts Center